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Distilled Water / Reverse Osmosis Water

Distilled water

Purion is a brain child of Zion Enviro Systems which has been setting up Distilled water and Reverse Osmosis Water treatment plants of their own for various industries nationwide. Having known the intricacies of production, maintenance of the water treatment plants and all the hassles which varied industries had to go through before they can get quality treated water, was the driving force behind Purion’s inception into the Indian treated water market.
Having started their journey 20 years ago, the directors, Mr.Samraj Ravikumar and Mr.Thirumurthy have now set the first step towards Quality and professionalism which has long been missing in this field. Our Water Treatment Plants are constructed with highest quality production standards which is pesticide ensuring very high levels of quality and service.
We are a committed set of professionals striving to give our client the best of our offerings, with high standards of service & quality control.

Demineralised water:

A Demineralisation Plant consists of two pressure vessels containing cation and anion exchange resins. Various types of ion exchange resins can be used for both the cation and the anion process, depending on the type of impurities in the water and what the final water is used for.Typically, the cation resin operates in the hydrogen cycle. The cations in the water (i.e. calcium, magnesium and sodium) pass through the cation exchange resin where they are chemically exchanged for hydrogen ions.The water then passes through the anion exchange resin where the anions (i.e. chloride, sulphate, nitrate and bicarbonate) are chemically exchanged for hydroxide ions.The final water from this process consists essentially of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions, which is the chemical composition of pure water.

The simplified demineralisation plant consists of:Composite resin vessels with charge of strong cation and anion resin; control-panel encompassing a conductivity measurement and alarms, etc; acid and caustic injection facility from bulk, semi-bulk or carboy containers.

Reverse Osmosis Water:

Industrial reverse osmosis use spiral wound membranes mounted in high pressure containers. The membrane stack is two, very long semipermeable membranes with a spacer mesh between them that is sealed along the two long sides. This is then wound up in a spiral tube with another spacer to separate the outside of the stack. The spiral winding provides a very high surface area for transfer. Between each membrane layer is a mesh separator that allows the permeate (pure) water to flow. Water is force in one end of the spiral cylinder and out the out other end. Backpressure forces the water through the membrane where it is collected in the space between the membranes. Permeate then flows around the spiral where it is collected in the center of the tube.

What is safe drinking water

Drinking water, also known as potable water or improved drinking water, is water that is safe to drink or to use for food preparation, without risk of health problems. 1.8 billion people still use an unsafe drinking water source which may be contaminated by feces. Safe drinking water is treated water that has been tested for harmful and potentially harmful substances and has met or exceeded drinking water quality standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Alabama.The EPA sets drinking water standards to define the limits of contaminants considered safe for drinking water. These levels are based on studies of the health effects associated with each contaminant and include a sufficient safety margin to ensure that water meeting these standards is safe for nearly everyone to drink.Safe drinking water supplied by the PURION Water Works meets or surpasses the EPA water quality standards. The water supplied by the PURION  Water Works is designed to be healthful and stay healthful from the time it leaves the treatment facility, through the plumbing system, and out of your tap. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, persons with HIV / AIDS or other immuno systems disorders, and elderly persons may want to discuss their drinking water concerns with their health care provider. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets drinking water standards to define SAFE DRINKING WATER. The water supplied by the PURION Water Works meets or surpasses these EPA water quality standards.

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